Article 9419

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Rassadina Tat'yana Anatol'evna, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, sub-department humanitarian and social disciplines, Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation (8/8, Mozhayskogo street, Ulyanovsk, Russia), E-mail:
Repina Evgeniya Igorevna, Postgraduate student, Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation (8/8, Mozhayskogo street, Ulyanovsk, Russia), E-mail: 

Index UDK





Background. Social modernization has set rationalization of consciousness and behavior as a key product of our time. Its derivatives permeate all aspects of life, affect all social groups, including youth. In the social maturation of a young man of any era there are prerequisites for the formation of social rationality. Modernity requires new ways of social adaptation of young people, contributes to the transformation of value orientations, rationalization of consciousness and behavior for the goal of achieving new relationships. The goal of the article is to analyze the characteristics of business and interpersonal relations of Russian youth in conditions of strengthening the rationalization of their consciousness and conduct.
Materials and methods. As an empirical base, the results of studies performed by the method of in-depth individual interviews with working youth (November 2017 - January 2018; age 18-30 years, the object of study - graduates of technical and humanitarian universities of Ulyanovsk; N = 20).
Results. In the regulation of professional activities of youth, business relations play an important role. However, great importance is attached to informal relationships within the team, both “horizontally” and “vertically”. The rationalization of business communication is manifested in the purposeful establishment and maintenance of informal relationships in the labor collective. The constructive consequences
of these processes are: a positive impact on the integration of young specialists in the workforce, their social adaptation, the creation of psychological comfort, the improvement of the micro-climate in the team, the harmonious professional socialization, and career advancement. At the same time, the rationalization of consciousness and behavior not only harmonizes business communication, but can disrupt it, worsen labor discipline, slow down production processes, promote the subordination of collective values (mutual assistance, mutual assistance, cooperation, partnership) to individual interests, reduce individual labor efforts due to greater support to the team. Young people who do not occupy leadership positions are more oriented to help the collective; young leaders are more critical in assessing the correlation of formal and informal relations in the team, more self-determined. There is a transformation of the traditional value of collectivism. The sphere of interpersonal relations is based on mutual affection and community of interests, sincere and trustful communication, has a pronounced attitude towards a value-rational attitude to friendship. However, there is observed the purposeful behavior of young people in friendly interactions, the desire to maximize the "effect" from friendship with material or non-material benefits. Friendly communication is becoming more pragmatic and technological.
Conclusions. Modern youth demonstrates the high rationality of consciousness, behavior, relationships. The study confirms the presence of “uneven rationalization”, in which different spheres of youth’s life have different rational content. Business and interpersonal relationships are areas in which the rationality of young people is manifested to a greater extent. Today, the rationality of the young generation is the result of the modern Russian model of socialization, which sets the priority of the personal over the public; individualism, which replaced collectivism; expansion of individual freedom instead of control over it. The rationalization of relations has a positive impact on the integration of young professionals in the workforce, the achievement of integrity, their professional career. At the same time, it activates purposeful actions, promotes contradictions between personal and business relations, constructs a pragmatic system of values, behavioral strategies, and individualization. In interpersonal relationships, preferences for sincere and confidential communication prevail, however, there is an intensive penetration of rationality, especially in the behavioral component of relationships. There are mechanisms of flexible (mobile) rationality, which flexibly contextually selects goals and especially means of achieving them, different types of behavior, due to different value systems, uses business and interpersonal relationships of young people to achieve success. 

Key words

social rationality, rationalization, rationalization of business and interpersonal relations of youth, flexibly contextual (mobile) rationality 

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